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RE: Dude, Check This Out!


RE: Dude, Check This Out!
by adamist at 10:49 am EDT, Aug 23, 2004

I was impressed to see that you can drag images into your link blog, after clicking on the bookmarklet; although, as I said, this only works in IE.

Jeremy wrote:
] Dude, Check This Out! is an entirely new application for
] finding, storing, and retrieving all the great stuff that you
] find on the Web. The Dude is the easiest way to share that
] stuff with your friends and other contacts, and it's also a
] great way to meet people who think like you

] Well, that's pretty good, but it would be even better if I
] could meet people who think exactly like me.
] That would be sweet. South Korea, anyone?
] The Dude advisory board includes Cory Doctorow, author of
] Eastern Standard Tribe, and Mike Glass, a Senior Director at
] Microsoft.

RE: Dude, Check This Out!

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