] Western Canada is adrift in last-minute ski bargains, ] including seven nights at a five-star resort and a ] six-day lift ticket from $589 Awesome pricing! We should look into this for next year! [ western canada kicks ass... I spent a week at Lake Louise/Banff, and it was some of the best skiing ever. Perfect snow. Long runs. Short lines. Highly recommended. edit: I forgot to mention, the place we stayed out there was the Fairmont Chateau Lake Louise, as mentioned in the article. If memory serves (it *was* 12 years ago) the Chateau is everything they claim it to be. Search online for pictures... one of the most beautiful places i've ever been. I have fond memories of eating 2 inch thick slices of french toast in a dining room looking out on the long lake, all the way to the glacier situated in the mountain's saddle on the far end. There were also a couple of highly intricate ice sculptures (created for an event taking place there, i think). Two castles as i recall, lit from within by colored lights... pretty stunning at night. -k] |