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RE: Janet Nipple - OUCH!


RE: Janet Nipple - OUCH!
by Elonka at 5:10 pm EST, Feb 2, 2004

Oh, I dunno, I think they have a legitimate beef. It's one thing to have a risque' magazine cover, and it's another to have naked flesh on a much-watched TV program (not to mention *the* most-watched TV program), that's supposed to be family-friendly.

For me, as an adult watching the show, I just found it amusing. But if I would have been watching with young kids in the room, well, suddenly getting an eyeful of breast, without any kind of warning, would probably have me annoyed as well.

For example, I like with some of the late-night primetime stuff, where there's a clear disclaimer before the show that some of it deals with adult themes. That way parents can make a choice of whether or not to allow their kids to watch, rather than having stuff forced on them in a shock treatment of some kind.

RE: Janet Nipple - OUCH!

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