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This page contains all of the posts and discussion on MemeStreams referencing the following web page: Samsung UN55C7000 3D LED HDTV. You can find discussions on MemeStreams as you surf the web, even if you aren't a MemeStreams member, using the Threads Bookmarklet.

Samsung UN55C7000 3D LED HDTV
by manuef28y at 11:16 pm EST, Feb 8, 2011

Get an awesome 3D entertainment experience. See action jump out of your screen in amazing, vivid colors. Connect your gadgets directly to your TV set. Enjoy internet connection with video and audio streaming. All that is available with the Samsung UN55C7000 3D LED HDTV. And you see all this through a gigantic 55-inch screen that also gives you a 3D experience playing 3D games or watching 3D videos. The Samsung UN55C7000 3D LED HDTV is an all-in-one theater, gaming and internet entertainment system. Its full 1080p HD quality gives you vivid colors that give you a cinematic experience with its huge 55-inch screen. You now have a choice of watching TV shows in 2D or 3D. To get the 3D experience, you need accessories like a 3D blu-ray disc player, a 3D program, game or movie, 3D glasses and a high-speed HDMI cable to connect the player to the TV.

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