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This page contains all of the posts and discussion on MemeStreams referencing the following web page: - EU seeks sanctions against U.S. - Jan. 15, 2004. You can find discussions on MemeStreams as you surf the web, even if you aren't a MemeStreams member, using the Threads Bookmarklet. - EU seeks sanctions against U.S. - Jan. 15, 2004
by k at 10:35 am EST, Jan 15, 2004

] The EU has asked the WTO for permission to impose
] sanctions on U.S. goods to punish it for failing to
] repeal anti-dumping rules declared illegal by the WTO.

but, we're AMERICA! We can do whatever we want. Fuck the UN, fuck NATO, fuck the EU (except england, cuz tony & co. hooked us up in iraq) and fuck the WTO, too.

this can't be good for us. - EU seeks sanctions against U.S. - Jan. 15, 2004
by Rattle at 6:32 pm EST, Jan 15, 2004

] The main recipients have been in the ball bearing, steel
] and other metal firms, as well as firms producing food,
] particularly pasta, and household items. The EU said
] information published so far indicates that the Bush
] administration is planning to distribute another $240
] million.

Hrm.. The way we have been addressing the steel trade deficit has been causing way too much tension. We need to find a way to keep these industries pumping, but not at the expense of trade. We should know this.

The other day, watching the Modern Marvels episode about the Bay Bridge, I remember hearing something about how the steel order for the project wound up being something like 10% of the United State's steel production volume during the period.

Anywhere we need a big bridge?

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