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This page contains all of the posts and discussion on MemeStreams referencing the following web page: - O'Neill backtracks on Bush broadside. You can find discussions on MemeStreams as you surf the web, even if you aren't a MemeStreams member, using the Threads Bookmarklet. - O'Neill backtracks on Bush broadside
by Rattle at 3:57 pm EST, Jan 14, 2004

] O'Neill said his contention that President George W. Bush
] came to office fixated on ousting Saddam Hussein was
] really just a government policy of regime change in Iraq
] that he inherited from the preceding Bill Clinton
] administration.

More teeth to the O'Neil is full of shit side. Boy o boy is this guy starting to backtrack fast..

] The book is replete with stories of a president who
] appeared zoned out at meetings and said he operated
] on "instinct" and "gut," not briefing books.
] In the book, O'Neill laments the fact that as a 65-year-old
] man he had to be given a nickname, a Bush habit.
] The president immediately began calling him "Pablo."
] Later he started calling his treasury secretary "Big O."
] He said Bush called Secretary of State Colin Powell "Balloonfoot."

Take note.. This does not make Bush look smart or personable. It makes him look like a egotistical conceding asshole. I'm pretty damn sure that Bush is not referred to using nicknames by all his staff. I'm sure "Mister President" is the norm, as opposed to Shrub. Again, I still have no idea what perception I'm getting of Bush, or which parts of it are accurate.

There is a place for gut and instinct, but its in the hands of someone who has experience and skill. I'm not sold on Bush having any of it. Really, I still think the brains reside elsewhere.

I bet you Dick calls people by their names, shows respect, and goes on facts and analysis rather then instinct. That's my gut feeling, for what its worth.

] He said he regretted using some "vivid language" and
] seemed to distance himself from the book, reminding
] the audience "this is Ron Suskind's book, this is not my book."

Ok, at the very least O'Neil is an idiot also. That child with a loaded gun comment just got even more amusing.

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