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RE: A Scary Time for Stocks [Commentary] January 9, 2004


RE: A Scary Time for Stocks [Commentary] January 9, 2004
by k at 3:23 pm EST, Jan 13, 2004

Decius wrote:
] ] It's an especially good time to be humble and cautious,
] ] and to listen to investing legends like John Templeton
] ] (who has "never been more bearish"), Bill Gross (from his
] ] latest commentary: "bonds (and stocks too) will be low
] ] return asset classes for the foreseeable future"), Marty
] ] Whitman, George Soros, and Warren Buffett (who said he's
] ] "not finding anything" in the stock market and has
] ] purchased foreign currencies for the first time in his
] ] career because of his concerns about the U.S. trade
] ] deficit).

holy jesus we're fucked.

RE: A Scary Time for Stocks [Commentary] January 9, 2004

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