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RE: Congressional Bonehead Award


RE: Congressional Bonehead Award
by IconoclasT at 8:27 pm EST, Jan 12, 2004

Gremlin wrote:
] check the "other news" blurb at the bottom of the page:
] "The Congressional bonehead award goes to Rep. Sheila Jackson
] Lee (D-TX) who, on a visit to JPL, asked if Mars Pathfinder
] had taken an image of the flag planted there in 1969 by Neil
] Armstrong! Quipped Rep. Vernon Ehlers (R-MI) to the Washington
] Times: "We just don't teach enough science." Worse, Jackson
] Lee, who represents Houston, is a member of the House Science
] Committee's space subcommittee. Perhaps some committee
] reassignments are in order..."

I guess it doesn't speak well for her constituents who keep re-electing her. She's been on my Washington Luser List for years. At one time (probably still), she kept a limo and driver (at taxpayer expense) to take her from her apartment to the Capitol BLdg.- a whole ~2 blocks away. She's a real piece of incumbent "part of the problem" work.

RE: Congressional Bonehead Award

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