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This page contains all of the posts and discussion on MemeStreams referencing the following web page: Death to Heroin Chic. You can find discussions on MemeStreams as you surf the web, even if you aren't a MemeStreams member, using the Threads Bookmarklet.

Death to Heroin Chic
by Rattle at 2:06 pm EST, Jan 9, 2004

] Five opioid-dependent volunteers each received a single
] subcutaneous depot injection containing 58 mg of
] buprenorphine and were assessed for at least four weeks
] for signs and symptoms of opioid withdrawal, first
] residentially and then as outpatients. Depot
] buprenorphine appeared to provide effective relief from
] opioid withdrawal, with no participant requiring
] additional medication for withdrawal relief following
] depot administration.

Its time for an end to heroin chic.


I've seen the movies.. I've seen the friends die.. Its done. Its trite. There is no hip factor attached. You get no points. The education you receive is only in the economics of need.

There is a methadone clinic a few blocks away from my house.. I get to see the hardcore street junkies all the time, when they are really hard up. I was just relaying a story last night about this pathetic incident watching a street junkie shoot up between the toes. Fun stuff. Let me tell ya. Got a lot where those come from, collecting new stories all the time.

Lots of different types of junkies. I theorize the largest group are the folks who hold together a somewhat normal life, just with their one all encompassing hobby. The maintenance junkie. I've known a few.. They seem to go on for years, as opposed to the high schooler junkies, who tend burn up real fast.

So what's the message to the riders? "Stop." Sure, that's effective. I only hope that as time goes on, it will be successfully treatable as a medical condition. Hope is present that better tools are on the way. Maybe. Could just be a morning after pill with a new set of easy outs and associated problems. Who fucking knows..

I do have advice for those buying into the chic: Don't. Really. Just don't.

Well.. This will certainly be a theme that keeps coming up. Anyone else on the system riding the horse? I'd help you if I actually had any fucking clue what to do.

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