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This page contains all of the posts and discussion on MemeStreams referencing the following web page: - Zeyad war atrocity story. You can find discussions on MemeStreams as you surf the web, even if you aren't a MemeStreams member, using the Threads Bookmarklet. - Zeyad war atrocity story
by Rattle at 5:17 pm EST, Jan 8, 2004

] ZEYAD, an Iraqi blogger I regard as trustworthy, has
] posted a dreadful-sounding story of misbehavior by
] American troops in Iraq. I find the story difficult to
] believe, and it's secondhand, but Zeyad obviously
] believes it. Someone in Iraq needs to look into this as
] soon as possible.

Check out this story and the way its developing. People not just in Iraq, but all over the place are looking into this. This is completely indy/blog media thus far, but its already got enough attention where an investigation is underway. All of it, very, very fast.

This definitely warrants an investigation, even though as a number of the posts Glenn Reynolds links here are pointing out, this is highly likely a hoax. This really does not sound like how American troops conduct themselves, on a purely tactical level. To paraphrase another blogger, it ain't three kings.. These guys have trained in protocol that keeps them alive, its an easier sell to make me think they cracked and had a moral breakdown, then started disregarding that. Some of the details don't jive. However, we are third hand already, and we know how that goes.

Zeyad is the blogger in Iraq who is relaying the letter with the story, and does not claim to be the source of the letter. He seems to have some room for skepticism, but not much.. Clickthru, read the links. Watch it develop. This is new journalism. We are going to see more of it, this is the edge. Good stuff.

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