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Good thing I keep my KI pills handy...
Topic: Local Information 8:09 pm EST, Mar 14, 2003

] State Sen. Leonard T. Connors Jr. and Assemblymen Jeffrey
] W. Moran and Christopher J. Connors, all R-Ocean, are
] asking the U.S. Department of Homeland Security to
] investigate how someone was able to videotape on the
] grounds of the Oyster Creek nuclear power plant without
] being noticed.
] In a letter to Homeland Security Secretary Thomas J.
] Ridge, dated Wednesday and made public yesterday, the
] lawmakers write: "The inquiry is to report to your
] Department of Homeland Security an alarming security
] issue at the Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station and
] urge your immediate help to take priority steps to
] improve security at this facility.
] "The video depicts a vehicle entering the Oyster Creek
] grounds without being confronted by security forces. The
] vehicle drives around the first inner perimeter of the
] plant and up to the loading dock, again without
] challenge. The (News 12 New Jersey) team contends that
] this vehicle, a truck that could carry a large payload of
] explosives, was close enough to do considerable damage to
] the plant if, in fact, this staged event were a real
] terrorist attack," the legislators wrote.

This does not suprise me in the least.

Good thing I keep my KI pills handy...

Radioactive water leak found at Salem I plant
Topic: Local Information 8:16 pm EST, Feb 11, 2003

] The state is working with the federal Nuclear Regulatory
] Commission and PSEG Nuclear, which runs the plant, to
] investigate the leak of radioactive water, which is
] around a spent-fuel pool building on the site, according
] to a DEP statement.
] According to the DEP, the leak was identified when
] elevated levels of radioactive tritium were discovered in
] ground water and reported last week by the NRC, which
] regulates the nuclear power industry. DEP officials
] confirmed ground water contamination in samples analyzed
] yesterday.

From Jessica: Salem 1 started operating in 1977. Oyster Creek went online in '68, I believe. I recommend you move. Now. :) But don't move here... "Millstone Power Station sits on a peninsula on the eastern end of Long Island Sound. The site is 3.2 miles west-southwest of New London, Conn. The station consists of three units: Millstone 1, a 660-megawatt unit, began commercial operation in 1970 and is currently undergoing decommissioning. Millstone 2, an 870-megawatt unit, began commercial operation in 1975, and Millstone 3, an 1,150-megawatt unit, began commercial operation in 1986."

Rattle: Oh yeah, I'm well aware I'm living in what will be called the "Dead Zone" at one point or another.. Only I don't define that area as [blank], or Ocean County, but rather New Jersey.

Radioactive water leak found at Salem I plant

Wired News: Nuke Plants Aging Disgracefully
Topic: Miscellaneous 12:46 am EST, Feb 10, 2003

] Last February, Ohio's Davis-Besse nuclear power plant
] shut down after workers discovered that boric acid had
] eaten away at 70 pounds of steel, leaving a 6-by-5-inch
] hole in its reactor head. Only a thin, 3/8-inch strip of
] stainless steel lining protected the reactor from
] rupturing and causing what could have been the most
] devastating nuclear accident since Three Mile Island.

This scares the hell out of me. I'm currently living about 2 miles away from Oyster Creek Nuclear in Jersey. Its been operating now for about 15 years pass its design lifetime. There was a stink a few years ago when it was discovered that its dry well was rusting.

They don't seem too on top of their shit. Every so often (at least three times now) they mess up the water mix in the stream that cools it down, the stream's temp rises to about 110F, and several hundred thousand dead fish magicly appear.

Hope the sucker dosen't melt down on us. Well, at least they were nice enough to give us KI pills.. I don't count on those to do any good in the event of an accident.

Wired News: Nuke Plants Aging Disgracefully

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